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Man Brooding Under Dark Clouds
Man Brooding Under Dark Clouds
1930 (
Wove paper. 411 × 259 × 0,09 mm (h × b × t)
The seated figure in this drawing is used in a hectograph dated 1930 (Woll G 75). The title "The Goddess of Art" is based on an inscription on one of the prints: "Goddess of Art you have not betrayed Me. I come to your aid as so many times before". The additional versions of the motif depict two winged figures, while this drawing depicts something that resembles dark clouds.
The seated figure in this drawing is used in a hectograph dated 1930 (Woll G 75). The title "The Goddess of Art" is based on an inscription on one of the prints: "Goddess of Art you have not betrayed Me. I come to your aid as so many times before". The additional versions of the motif depict two winged figures, while this drawing depicts something that resembles dark clouds.
The Munch Museum, MM.T.01962
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