Workers on Their Way Home

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Workers on Their Way Home

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Workers on Their Way Home

1916–1918 ( plausible)
Wove paper. 266 × 208 × 0,1 mm (h × b × t)
There are two main versions of the motif "Workers on their Way Home". One is associated with Moss and the period during which Munch lived at Jeløya, and is dated at 1913-14, see the paintings MM.M.00365 and PE.M.00194. A few years later Munch painted a new version in the vicinity of the Eureka factories at Skøyen (PE.M.00234). In addition to stylistic and compositional differences, the buildings in the background reveal whether we are in Moss or at Skøyen. In this drawing there are no site-specific buildings, however, and it is difficult to say anything conclusive about which painting the sketch "belongs to". Since there are many relatively certain indications of a dating at around 1917 otherwise in the sketchbook, it is most reasonable to view the drawing as a forerunner of the "Skøyen version" of "Workers on their Way Home". (MB)

(Translation: Francesca Nichols)
The Munch Museum, MM.T.00179-74-verso
This is a page in the sketchbook MM.T.00179
See the book
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