Two fenmale Nudes, Sitting

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Two fenmale Nudes, Sitting

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Two fenmale Nudes, Sitting

1885 ( plausible)
Wove paper. 148 × 228 × 0,22 mm (h × b × t)
On 14.12.1885 Edvard writes in a letter to his friend Olav Paulsen about a painting he is working on: "My motif is of two girls after the bath. One of the beauties lies in a suggestive position on the sofa, which is covered with white sheets. The other one sits nearby drying herself, she will have red hair". Whether this drawing depicts the same "two girls" is uncertain – he most likely completed the painting in spring 1886, but there are no traces left of it, so we have no idea what the models looked like. But there aren’t many double nudes from this period, so it is natural to link the drawing to the lost painting. The probable dating is 1885-86.
Bibliography:Eggum, Arne, Edvard Munch: malerier, skisser, og studier, Oslo 1983, ill. s. 40 (English edition: Edvard Munch: paintings, sketches and studies)
The Munch Museum, MM.T.00125-08
This is a page in the sketchbook MM.T.00125
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