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Skisse- og notatbøker
1916–1922 (
Perm: brun papp med svart lerretsrygg. 265 × 206 × 0,1 mm (h × b × t)
Comment:On the inside cover of this sketchbook, Munch has written the name and address of Hugo Kolker, who died in 1915. There are also several lists with income and expenses connected to exhibitions in 1912. The price and the label from Alf Bjerke also suggest that the book was bought prior to WWI. However, none of the drawings in this book can be related to - or close to - 1912; the earliest seem to date from around 1916. Sketches for "Starry Night" (MM.M.00032) and "Blue Coat in Sunshine" (PE.M.00665) are most likely from 1922. The time frame for the drawings in the book is therefore 1916-22, while some of the notes have an earlier dating. (MB)
Catalogue raisonné: Presler 71
The Munch Museum, MM.T.00192
Is Virtual: false