Workers in a Road with Trees

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Workers in a Road with Trees

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Workers in a Road with Trees

1916 ( plausible)
Crayon, black
Wove paper. 483 × 600 × 0,17 mm (h × b × t)
Bibliography:Woll, Gerd, Edvard Munch: Monumentale prosjekter 1909-1930, utst. kat. Lillehammer Bys Malerisamling, 1993, kat. nr. 58 / ill. s. 160 (English edition: Edvard Munch: Monumental projects 1909-1930).

Woll, Gerd, "Arbetarskildringar" i Edvard Munch, 1863-1944, utst. kat. Kulturhuset, Stockholm 1977, kat. nr. 166 / s. 181, 212 (English and Swedish edition).

Gerd Woll: Munch and the Workers. utst. kat. Newcastle Polytechnic Gallery, 1984, kat. nr. 55, ill. s. 54

Edvard Munch: Das zeichnerische Werk, utst. kat. Kunstmuseum Bern, 1970, kat. nr. 146A / ill. fig. 12

Langaard, Johan og Reidar Revold, Munch som tegner, Oslo 1958, ill. s. 110
The Munch Museum, MM.T.02428
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